One-to-One Frequently Asked Questions

Some common questions about the One-to-One program are below. If you have additional questions about the program, please contact your child's school.

1. Why is One-to-One so effective for students?

  • Students are usually experts with the device they have, and customize it to their learning needs.
  • Students can use it to learn anytime, anywhere.
  • Students can collaborate with their peers after school, about their school work.
  • Student-owned devices are typically more up-to-date than those schools provide.
  • School-owned devices are expensive and can be hard to sustain.

2. Which device should I choose?

We recommend the Chromebook as the ideal device due to price, battery life, fast startup and usability.

3. Will the schools have devices on hand for students?

We know that not all parents can or want to send their child/teen to school with a device. That’s why teachers continue to plan assuming that not every student will bring a Personally Owned Device to school. Technology will not be used every day for every lesson. There is a right time and place.

4. What kind of apps should be on our device?

G Suite is the preferred app that EICS suggests for the one-to-one device. This means that it has the following Google apps:

  • Google Drive
  • Gmail
  • Google Docs
  • Google Slides
  • Google Sheets
  • Google Forms
  • Google Classroom

5. What if my child's device is stolen or damaged?

Students bringing their own device to school due so at their own risk, just like any other personal item. The school will not be held responsible if an electronic device or other item is lost, stolen or misplaced. We suggest that you label the device in some way as to identify it if needed. As well, some devices have a device locator, and it is recommended that you enable this feature if possible.

6. As a parent, am I required to purchase additional software for their device?

Virus protection is recommended. As well, device location software is not required but is always a good idea.