Division Accountability, Implementation, Plans and Publications

Assurance Framework
Elk Island Catholic Schools (EICS) is committed to continued growth and optimal student learning in our Christ-centered schools. The Assurance Framework for educational planning represents that the EICS Board of Trustees is committed to determining the level of confidence of the stakeholders in the educational system by developing clear goals, outcomes, and strategies. Assurance provides the framework for EICS to continue to maintain close alignment with the direction and goals of the Ministry’s Alberta Education Business Plan with a stronger focus on being responsive and aligned to the needs of the Division’s school communities.
EICS Education Assurance Plan and reporting is prepared under the direction of the EICS Board of Trustees in accordance with its responsibilities under the Education Act and the Fiscal Planning and Transparency Act. As we continue the Assurance Framework in the division, the report and plan are formed within the context of the strategic priorities document prepared by the division in conjunction with stakeholders as part of our engagement processes. The reporting structure is provided through the division and school dashboards as presented through the division website indicated by the links below.
Additionally, the information and documentation contained within the EICS website were developed in the context of the provincial government’s business and fiscal plans. The EICS Board of Trustees has used the results reported in the education assurance plans and reports to develop and actualize the EICS Education Assurance Plan 2022-2026 and is committed to implementing the division outcomes identified to achieve the four strategic priorities to improve student learning.
Accountability Statement for the Division Education Assurance Plan
The EICS Board of Trustees approves the reports, plans, and dashboard as part of the Superintendent report at the public board meetings. The EICS Education Assurance Plan for 2022-2026 was finalized and approved on February 17, 2022 at the public board meeting.
The EICS Board of Trustees approved an engagement plan for the 2022-2023 school year that included full stakeholder and educational partner engagement through surveys, school engagement and community engagement. The results of the engagement are the basis of the division priorities outlined in the EICS Education Assurance Plan for the next four years commencing September 2022.
The 2024-2025 Division Education Assurance Plan was presented and accepted by the Board of Trustees on May 29, 2024 during their public board meeting.
The 2023-2024 Division Education Assurance Plan was presented and accepted by the Board of Trustees on May 25, 2023 at the public board meeting.
The 2022-2023 EICS Jurisdictional Results Report was presented and accepted by the Board of Trustees on December 20, 2023.
Division Assurance Planning, Implementation, and Publications
The planning implementation cycle involves the following steps:
- Developing and updating Division and School Education Assurance Plans that aligns with both provincial goals, outcomes and performance measures and the Division’s vision, mission and values as a faith-filled community.
- Promoting community engagement.
- Preparing priority-based budgets that allocate or re-direct resources to support student learning, to achieve goals and to improve results.
- Implementing strategies to maintain or improve student learning, faith formation, and wellness.
- Monitoring implementation and adjusting the strategies outlined in the plan as needed.
- Using results to identify areas for improvement and to develop strategies and targets for the next plan, e.g. evidence-based decision making.
- Communicating with stakeholders (staff, students, parents, or guardians, school councils, the public and Alberta Education) about school authority plans and results.
- Providing yearly to school leadership an EICS Education Assurance Timeline.
Continuous Improvement Cycle
Successful work occurs within a continuous improvement cycle.
EICS actively reviews ongoing data when planning, engaging and reporting with our stakeholders. Through the Active School Engagement process and our Catholic School Reviews, division Senior Leadership commits to a regular schedule of school visits with school-based leadership teams and staff engaging in a generative dialogue about their School Education Assurance plan and our four strategic goals; Faith Formation, Quality Teaching and Learning, Wellness and Engagement and Improvement.
EICS Division’s Education Assurance Plan is the document which guides the strategic plans for the Division and Schools for the following year. The Education Assurance Plan and corresponding measures and results are featured primarily in a web-based format on the Division Education Assurance Dashboard in order to facilitate community access and transparency.
EICS actively reviews ongoing data when planning, engaging and reporting with our stakeholders.
The following links are provided for navigating the various reports contained within the EICS website as part of the division commitment to clearly communicate the results and plans, and to provide transparency to all stakeholders.
Division Assurance Education Plans
Division Education Assurance Plan 2022-2026 (YR 3: 2024-2025)
Division Education Assurance Plan 2022-2026 (YR 2: 2023-2024)
2018-2022 Division Education Assurance Plan
2015-2018 Division Education Assurance Plan
Assurance Dashboard
2022-2026 EICS Division Assurance Dashboard
2018-2022 EICS Division Assurance Dashboard
Division Annual Education Results Reports
2023-2024 EICS Division Annual Education Results Report
2022-2023 EICS Jurisdiction Results Report
2021-2022 EICS Jurisdiction Results Report
2020-2021 EICS Jurisdiction Results Report
2019-2020 EICS Jurisdiction Results Report
2018-2019 EICS Jurisdiction Results Report
2017-2018 EICS Jurisdiction Results Report
2016-2017 EICS Jurisdiction Results Report
For further information about our engagement activities for school division planning and for various initiatives, please go to Involved Parents section of our website.