School Registration

Registration for 2025-2026

Registration is now open!

Register Your Child

School Engage Link PowerSchool Link
Select SchoolEngage if Your Family is New to EICS Click PowerSchool if You're Enrolling an Additional Child

New to EICS?

We are delighted to welcome your family to Elk Island Catholic Schools, and are excited to journey with you and your child as they grow in their knowledge and faith!

Families who are joining our division for the first time must create a SchoolEngage account before registering their child through PowerSchool. Follow these instructions to get started.

Already part of the EICS family?

If you’re already a part of the EICS community and registering a new child who has not previously attended an EICS school, you can do so directly through PowerSchool. (Instructions Here.) 

Students who are currently attending an EICS school or program do not need to submit a new registration form.

Find Your School

Refer to our maps page to determine your child's designated school based on your residential address.

School Location Maps

Learn About Our Programs

Children are eligible for Kindergarten if they will be five years old on or before December 31, 2025.

We offer a variety of enriching programs designed to nurture your child’s academic growth and spiritual development at any age. Visit our Programs page to learn about some of these opportunities, including Cogito Academy, French Immersion, and Ukrainian Bilingual programs. 


For more information about the unique programs offered by our schools, use the Our Schools link below to see a list of websites and contact information for each school in our division. 

Our Schools

My child is changing schools. Do I need to submit another registration form for EICS? 


Students who are currently attending any EICS school or program do not need to submit a new registration form to attend another school.

Parents of current EICS students – including students who will be changing schools within EICS or away from EICS – will receive directions from their school in early February.

Otherwise, all students who have not previously attended an EICS school are required to submit a registration form.

Does my family need to be Catholic?

No. We will accept families from all faiths or no faith, however we are required to prioritize Catholic families. To learn more about the experience attending at a Catholic school, visit What to Expect in a Catholic School.

How do I register my child for the current school year?

If your family is new to EICS, you will first need to create a SchoolEngage account before registering with PowerSchool.

If you are already with EICS and already have a SchoolEngage account, you can begin registration in PowerSchool.

Review these steps for SchoolEngage and PowerSchool if you require further assistance.

Can I send my child to a school that's not their designated school?

Yes. Contact us to learn more.

What Are the School Fees?

Please visit our School Fees page.

How do I arrange school bus transit?

Please see our Busing Requests and Payments page.

Where is the 2025-2026 School Year Calendar?

The calendar will be made available once finalized and approved by our EICS Board of Trustees at a future monthly meeting.