EICS Budget and Financial Statements
Elk Island Catholic Schools (EICS) has a total operating budget of $84 million for the 2024-2025 school year. The Division provides Catholic education services to the citizens of Strathcona County, Fort Saskatchewan, Camrose, and Vegreville, serving the educational needs of more than 8,000 students from Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12 within 18 schools.
The Division prepares a budget in the spring based on projected enrolment, educational programming and divisional priorities. In the fall, the budget is updated to reflect actual September 30 enrolment and any resulted changes in expenditures.
2024-2025 Budget
2023-2024 Budget
2022-2023 Budget
2021-2022 Budget
2020-2021 Budget
2019-2020 Budget
2018-2019 Budget
2017-2018 Budget
2016-2017 Budget
2015-2016 Budget
2014-2015 Budget
2013-2014 Budget
Financial Statements
AFS for year ending August 31, 2024
AFS for year ending August 31, 2023
AFS for year ending August 31, 2022
AFS for year ending August 31, 2021
AFS for year ending August 31, 2020
AFS for year ending August 31, 2019
AFS for year ending August 31, 2018
AFS for year ending August 31, 2017
AFS for year ending August 31, 2016
AFS for year ending August 31, 2015
AFS for year ending August 31, 2014
AFS for year ending August 31, 2013
AFS for year ending August 31, 2012
AFS for year ending August 31, 2011
Budget Variance
Additional Information
Provincial comparative information can be accessed at:
Provincial Audited Financial Statements
For additional information regarding Division financials, email elkislandcatholic@eics.ab.ca.